Copyright © AirBnB Budget Rooms in Tokyo. All rights reserved.



If you can arrive at Komae station between 8am to 10pm a staff member can meet you and show you to the guest house so that you don't get lost. But please follow these 4 important steps in order!

1. Before you arrive in Tokyo you need to prepare your train route/timetable from Narita or Haneda to Komae train station. So that a staff member can meet you and plan their day please provide an estimated time of arrival (ETA) at Komae station. For example: 7 - 8pm or 5 - 6pm etc.

2. When you land at the airport please send a quick message on airbnb to confirm your safe arrival.

* If there are any delays with your plane or your arrival time to Komae station please send a message asap from you airbnb account.


* When you check in, the door will already be open for you and your keys will be on your table inside of your room. Also when you check out please don't lock the door and put the keys back in the place where you found them.

Thank-you Kindly,
From Kaz & Staff
